Storing NSAttributedString with UIImage in Core Data

I have recently worked on solving a bug in a simple note-taking app. It allowed the user to save notes that could contain text together with images. The app was built using Core Data and there was a bug where notes that contained images were not saved properly. When the notes were later retrieved, the images were missing and only text was present. Converting NSAttributedString...

How to add Carthage support in existing CocoaPods project

I’ve finally found some free time to review the contributions on AHDownloadButton repo and prepare a new release. Before releasing a new version I wanted to add support for Carthage, because the project is currently only supporting CocoaPods. Carthage is a great lightweight dependency manager and if you haven’t used it yet, I suggest you read up on it on. Even though I’ve used Carthage...

Determining the content size of a WKWebView

In one of my recent projects, I had to use a web view to display an HTML string with local CSS and custom font. The web view had to be embedded inside a scroll view along with a couple of other views. It also had to have a height adjusted to the content it was displaying. My goal was to create something like this: I...

Replicating the App Store download button

With the release of iOS 11, Apple introduced a completely redesigned App Store app with greatly improved UI. Among many features and improvements, one thing that I found interesting was the redesigned download/purchase/update button. I’ve been working in my spare time on implementing the download button. After a bit of experimenting, I implemented a working version. I only needed a couple more days to clean...

New features in Swift 4.2

Yesterday, Apple officially released the latest version of Swift programming language - Swift 4.2. It is a major release with a lot of improvements that include faster build times and features aimed towards removing boilerplate code and improving efficiency. It is also a significant step towards ABI stability planned for Swift 5. There were many proposals that were accepted in this release. In this blog...